Is my child gifted or bright? Here’s a side by side:
knows the answers. | asks the questions. |
is interested. | is highly curious. |
is attentive. | is mentally and physically involved. |
has good ideas. | has wild, silly ideas. |
works hard. | plays around yet tests well. |
answers the questions. | discusses in detail and elaborates. |
is in the top group. | is beyond the group. |
listens with interest. | already knows. |
needs 6-8 repetitions for mastery. | needs 1-2 repetitions for mastery. |
understands ideas. | constructs abstract ideas. |
enjoys peers. | prefers adults. |
grasps the meaning. | draws inferences. |
completes assignments. | initiates projects. |
is receptive. | is intense. |
copies accurately. | creates a new design. |
enjoys school. | enjoys learning for learning’s sake. |
absorbs information. | manipulates information. |
is a technician. | is an inventer. |
memorizes well. | guesses well. |
enjoys straightforward sequential presentation. | thrives on complexity. |
is alert. | is keenly observant. |
is pleased with own learning. | is highly self-critical. |
will read and follow directions to assemble something. | will evaluate all parts to see how they fit together and then assemble. |
Adapted from the Gifted Child Quarterly | by Janice Szabos |
October – Parents, teachers, friends, and family may nominate a student for GT.
November – GT testing
December – GT blind committee meets to determine eligibility. Parents are notified of the committee decision in writing.
January – Newly identified GT students move from general flex to GT flex class