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Graham Junior High School

Determined, Organized, Giving, Improving, and Excelling for Success


Welcome to the GJHS Library Learning Commons! 

Debbie Shifflett, Para Librarian


Our Library Learning Commons is the place to CONNECT, COLLABORATE, and CREATE.  CONNECT with online resources, with books, authors, and ideas.  COLLABORATE with friends, other students, and people worldwide.  CREATE in our MAKERSPACE--create objects, art, projects, and your own ideas. 

The Library Learning Commons has:

books--eBooks--computers--Makerspace--audiobooks--digital audiobooks--shared digital resources (databases)--videos--space to collaborate—games—puzzles






Destiny Online Library Catalog


 Sora  (eBooks and digital audiobooks) [*Parents can access their student’s account with account credientials]





 TexQuestAsk the librarian for usernames and passwords.  You can use these at school and at home.


Gale databases—includes: general & specialized reference sources; magazines, journals, newspapers; primary sources

Ebsco databases—includes: general reference sources; magazines, journals, newspapers; primary sources; literature database; many specialized databases

Usernames and passwords are provided by the librarian.