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Graham Junior High School

Determined, Organized, Giving, Improving, and Excelling for Success

GJHS Weekly Newsletter

Posted Date: 10/25/24 (9:00 PM)

GJHS Weekly Newsletter
Week of 10/28/2024-11/1/2024
Hello GJHS Family!
Welcome to this week's edition of the GJHS Weekly Newsletter! We're excited to share the latest happenings and updates from our school community to keep you informed and engaged.
GJHS Excellence in Action!
Coach Weil and her 8th grade science class discussing wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum
Mrs. Acosta's 6th grade math class discussing proportional reasoning during their warm up.
Ms. Fowler's art class drew some amazing super hero portraits!
6th grade band had their demonstration concert on Thursday night. They did a great job and had an amazing turn out!
GJHS Activity Calendar
  • Congratulations to our GJHS Lady Blues volleyball teams for a great season! We are proud of you!
  • The 2024 GJHS football season ends next week.
  • Our coaches are already preparing for a fantastic basketball season! I have added the girls and boys basketball schedule to the GJHS acttivity calendar below,
Bright Idea on a cork board
Important Reminders

  1. Halloween is on Thursday, October 31st. Your student is welcome to wear their costume. However, all costumes must meet dress code requirements including no hats or head coverings including wigs,, fake weapons, fake blood, gore, mask or face paint are not allowed. 
  2. GJHS Tennis will be playing at Mineral Wells on Tuesday, 10/29.
  3. GJHS football "A" Teams will play vs Bridgeport on Thursday, October 31st. 8th A will play at 6:00pm and 7th A will play at 5:00pm
  4. GJHS students and staff will be attending the GHS pep rally at Newton field November 1st. Students and staff will be walking down Virginia street to the stadium. They will be released by grade level. If your student has sustained an injury that precludes them from walking with the student body, please send Mr. Perry a Parentsquare message and we will reserve a vehicle to transport them so that they can still attend the pep rally. If you would like to sign your student out, you must do so at the GJHS office when the student body returns from the pep rally. Our pep rally bell schedule for November 1st can be found below. We think this is going to be a fun experience for our students!
  5. GJHS Student Council will be hosting a canned food drive from November 1st to November 19th. Starting on November 1st, students will bring canned food to their WIN class. The WIN class that receives the most cans will get a popcorn party.
Pep Rally Bell Schedule for Friday (11/1)
Yearbooks on sale now!
Yearbooks are now on sale! Order yours today by visiting the school store through the following link:

Yearbooks are currently available for purchase at the price of $45. The price will increase on November 1st.
2024-2025 GJHS Instructional Focus
The 24-25 GJHS Instructional Focus is "Writing with a purpose". Students will be building their writing skills every day through writing practice. We will be using the "ACE" strategy in all content areas as a writing framework. Using this strategy, students will:
  • Answer the question
  • Cite Evidence
  • Explain the reasoning for their answer.
Academic Corner
We encourage students to begin reviewing their notes, attending PLC, and utilizing any additional resources provided by their teachers. Our teaching staff is committed to supporting every student through this process, offering extra help sessions and guidance as needed. Let's work together to ensure that all students feel prepared and confident to succeed in their exams.
GISD District Calendar
GISD Calendar